
Corpus-Based Network Analysis of English Grammar Books between 1550 and 1900

Welcome to HeidelGram, a corpus-based network project currently conducted at the University of Cologne.

This website offers view and download options of the corpus, information on the network approach, web-based tools for corpus analysis, and detailed documentation of the project.

The overall aim of this approach is to reveal the mechanisms behind grammar writing, to visualise influences, authorities, and innovative and conservative currents.

The Corpus

The corpus of English grammars will comprise full texts of English grammar books from the 16th to the 19th centuries. The corpus texts will be annotated according to TEI guidelines, supplemented by project-specific markup.

The Networks

On the basis of the corpus, we will implement three networks:

I. A Network of Grammars and Grammarians
II. A Network of Evaluative Terms Associated with Verbal Hygiene
III. A Network of Lexemes Referring to Grammatical Phenomena

In the network of authors and grammars, for instance, authors' references to other grammarians and their grammars will be examined in terms of their quality and quantity. The network will show the most influential grammarians, clusters of authors, ways of authorising own works and exerting influence, and isolated grammarians. Results have already been obtained in pilot studies that have been presented at various conferences.

Getting Started: [General Information] [Web-Based Tools] [FAQ]

HeidelGram is currently being compiled at the Chair of Diachronic English Linguistics (Prof. Dr. Beatrix Busse) at the University of Cologne.

Principal Investigator: Prof. Dr. Beatrix Busse
Current Editors: Ingo Kleiber, Sophie Du Bois, Nina Dumrukcic